Physical therapists commonly combine dry needling with other manual techniques to address myofascial pain. Unlike massage, dry needling targets muscle tissue and connective tissues. Needles can penetrate into trigger points on the skin in order to release tension and...
Dry needling is a therapeutic technique that uses fine needles to address myofascial trigger points, which are knots of muscle that restrict motion, cause discomfort or tenderness when touched, or refer pain elsewhere. Needles penetrate the skin and gently stimulate a...
Dry needling is a physical therapy treatment that uses fine, sterile needles to target trigger points in muscles. This technique can be administered by either a physical therapist, chiropractor or medical doctor who has undergone training in dry needling. Trigger...
If you are pregnant and experiencing pain or stiffness in your muscles, dry needling can be an effective treatment option. This technique is safe and effective for both pregnancy-related issues as well as chronic ailments. Dry needling is a non-invasive therapeutic...
Moore Physical Therapy What Does Dry Needling Help? Dry needling is a technique used to relieve muscle pain and stiffness. It involves inserting needles into trigger points, which are tight bands of irritable muscle tissue caused by injury, overuse or improper...
Moore Physical Therapy What Does Dry Needling Feel Like? Dry needling is a physical therapy technique that uses fine needles to treat pain. The needles are inserted into trigger points – knotted muscles that cause stiffness and discomfort when touched. Dry...